Did you forget something on board?

Have you left an item on one of our buses or on the train? Don’t worry, we’re here to help and will do our best to retrieve it.

Submit a report via the online form

The easiest and fastest way to ask for help is to fill out the online form found below. Provide all the details related to your journey, such as the bus number, time, and date when you lost the item. We will do our best to assist you in finding your lost item.

Enter Cotral Customer Service

Are there other ways to report a lost item?

Promptness is crucial in these cases, report the loss of the item as soon as possible to increase the chances of retrieving it.

If you prefer to speak directly with Cotral customer service, you can contact us by calling the number 800 174 471. Keep all the details of your journey handy, such as the number of the bus or train where you lost your personal item.