
Discover if you are eligible for the available concessions and find the solution that best meets your needs.

Cotral Reduced-Fares

Cotral is committed to supporting its customers by offering various concessions. For instance, travelers over 70 can apply for a free card, as can children up to one meter tall and public safety officers in the line of duty.

There is also a reduced fare of 50% or 70% available for different customer categories. This reduction applies to the unemployed, those in temporary layoff or mobility status, retirees with an economic benefit lower than the minimum provided by INPS, individuals over the age of 65, and those with disabilities such as blindness, deaf-muteness, or other impairments with a reduced working capacity of less than 50%.

To benefit from the 50% or 70% reduction on the cost of a Cotral ticket or subscription, it is necessary to possess a Discounted Card. The 70% reduction is applicable to journeys made outside peak hours, i.e., from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM and after 3:00 PM. It is important to note that the reduced ticket is only valid on Cotral buses for a single ride on the routes for which it was purchased, originating from the municipality of residence.

Over 70 Card

Shipped for Free

If you are 70 years old or older, you can request the Over70 Card, which allows you to travel for free on our buses.

Reduced Fare Card

50% and 70% Reduction on Ticket Costs

Eligible for reduced fares (50 or 70%):

Unemployed, those in temporary layoff or mobility status.
Retirees with economic benefits not exceeding the minimum INPS.
Individuals with a permanent reduced working capacity of less than 50%.

Metrebus System

The Metrebus system offers various concessions based on the ISEE income, available to all residents of the Lazio Region.

Metrebus Concession

30% Reduced Fare

Entitled to a 30% reduction in the cost of the annual Metrebus subscription:

All residents of the Lazio Region with an ISEE income below €25,000.
For the purchase of a second subscription within the same family unit: 30% + an additional 10%.
For the purchase of a third subscription within the same family unit: 30% + an additional 20%.
For the purchase of a fourth (or more) subscription within the same family unit: 30% + an additional 30%.

Metrebus Concession

Need to Purchase More Than One Subscription in Your Household?

If purchasing a second subscription within the same family unit: 30% + an additional 10%.
If purchasing a third subscription within the same family unit: 30% + an additional 20%.
If purchasing a fourth (or more) subscription within the same family unit: 30% + an additional 30%

Metrebus Concession

50% Reduction

Applicable in cases of social hardship and/or special family situations:

– Possession of an ISEE income not exceeding €15,000.
– A minor orphaned of one or both parents.
– War mutilates and invalids.
– Presence in the family unit of a disabled person under Law 104/92, in the case of severe disability verification (Law 104/92, Article 3, Paragraph 3).
– Single-parent family with at least one dependent child, or a family with at least four dependent children.