We’ve gathered some of the most frequently asked questions from our customers. In this section, you can find useful information on tickets, discounts, and much more. Select the category of your interest and find the answer to your question!

Travel tickets

When you purchase a ticket, you receive an email with the transaction details. Write to us here including in the description: the purchase date, the amount of tickets bought, and the transaction number. We will check everything needed to resolve the issue.

No, tickets are not refundable, but they do not expire and will remain on your profile until you choose to activate them.

Once activated, a ticket will be visible in the “My Tickets” > “Active Tickets” section. After the trip, the ticket will only be visible in the “Expired” section.

No, digital tickets do not expire; they remain stored in the “My Tickets” section until activated.

It’s very simple: go to the “My Tickets” section, where you’ll find all the purchased tickets. Select “Activate” for the ticket you want to use. Then, scan the QR Code found on our buses with your camera or manually enter the bus number.

You can purchase a single trip ticket directly from our app in the Tickets > Buy Tickets section.